It's fall. The leaves will be gone soon, and these Ohio days in the 50s and 60s will not last forever. So what's been new lately?
Let's see...I have been sick with some form of upper respiratory thing since the beginning of October. It was bad for a month, then I thought I was getting better, but now the crud seems to be creeping back. I do not want to go to the doctor because I'm afraid they're going to give me a third round of antibiotics, and I am not a fan of taking antibiotics in large quantities. We'll see how long I can live on Sudafed and Mucinex.
A couple weeks ago, I was in my first car accident (well, "first" if you don't count the time seven years ago when I accidentally backed into a woman in my apartment parking lot [I don't]). It was a traumatic experience, and I am just glad it's over. Our car was totaled, though, and I am sad about that. So after a stressful week of car shopping and dealing with insurance companies, I believe the mess is behind us and we can move on. Car shopping is a nightmare, by the way. You think it's going to be fun--all, "ooh yay, we get to look for another car! New things are always fun!"--but after days of scanning Craigs List, talking to strangers, and browsing at sleazy used-car dealerships, the sparkle is gone and you're ready to buy the next piece of junk jalopy that is paraded in front of you because you just want it to be OVER, for the love of sweet Jesus. (We ended up with a CRV that is actually nice, but we were at our wits' end at that point, and we probably would have driven home in anything that ran.)
My family Christmas is in 13 days. This is the second year we have celebrated "Thanksmas," the two-in-one holiday mega-bash. Last year, it was because my brother was leaving for Navy boot camp in December, and this year it's because he is graduating from sub school and will be moving to Washington state next month, so this is our opportunity to see him, his wife, and my little nephew. I'm looking forward to seeing my family, and the early jump on Christmas shopping (before the stores become unbearable) makes me happy., I think that's it. My uber-interesting life out there on the Internet for everyone to see and yawn about. Happy Ides of November, everyone.