Tuesday, October 20, 2009

missin' you

Today a coworker and I were sharing pet stories and cat pictures, and I was (of course) telling Obie stories and laughing to myself. That cat and his shenanigans.
I was then flipping through photos on my phone, looking for one of Cosette to email to my coworker, and I randomly came across one of Obie. And all of a sudden I wanted to cry. It's a fairly recent picture, taken spontaneously one evening when I was sitting at the kitchen table and Obie was sprawled on the floor per usual. I took it only so I could text it to my friend Sherry (I had just been talking about him to her that day, telling her how shamelessly he liked to lie around the house, exposing his goods for all the world to see), and it has been sitting in my picture file on my phone ever since.
Sigh. Man, I miss that cat.


  1. When did he leave us??? I think I missed something. So sad...

  2. Thanks, Sara. Yes, very sad :( Obie left us in June. Here's the story: http://erin-underconstruction.blogspot.com/2009/06/home-sweet-emptyish-home.html
