Sunday, January 24, 2010

Blogging takes time I just don't want to give it

I just don't have time for this these days.

Facebook, you and your status updates have made blogging (writing a bonafide long, thought-out post) feel like a daunting task. Damn you and your convenient, 140-character-limit, tiny-box-to-type-in accessibility. You are killing the blogger within me (and I don't even really mind).

Anyway, the Big Thing on my heart lately is money. How to use it wisely, how not to let it rule my life and my pursuits. How to keep it in its proper place. Simple living is the theme of the day, and I just have to say that I get excited thinking about how to trim the fat, be more creative and relational and less impulsive and self-medicating in the way I spend my time and resources. It's sad, but my default setting just runs to entertainment and activities (often the kinds that cost money) when I'm bored or looking for a way to unwind. And I'm coming to the conclusion that, not only is this is not really refreshing (in the "ahhhh" sense that my soul craves when it feels stretched too thin and in need of a break), but it's not even good for me. On a lot of levels.

But anyway, getting into all those thoughts would turn this into the long blog that I just don't feel like writing, so that's about all I'm going to say about that.

Several things prompted these thoughts, but the prominent one is the husband's current work situation. The company he works for is in the process of being bought out by its major market competitor (I'm not naming names or anything, but there was a big press release the other day, so it's not exactly a secret). No one knows yet whether it will happen, or if it does, when or if or how it will affect his current position, but needless to say it has gotten us thinking about lots of things. What we really want our lives to be characterized by. What will truly make us happy. How to continue being generous with the resources we have (especially in light of the Haiti disaster and countless other cases of serious poverty and real need around the world. Or right here in our city.). This unexpected new circumstance was a jolt to us, but in a good way. I feel like it has already brought us closer and lit a bright floodlight in both of our hearts, exposing the false gods we trust in for security, comfort, and meaning. Challenging those false securities and driving us to recommit to trusting the true God for those things, which He has always offered us and faithfully given us, in times of plenty and in times of need.

It feels good. It's an invigorating place to be. God, let us never become soft or greedy for more in a world where the treasures are so temporary. Let us never forget that everything we have has been given to us by You, and we are only stewards. Let us continue to hold loosely to all that is temporal and hold fast to what is eternal. Let us live simply, give generously, and trust You completely.


  1. Hey Erin! Money has been on my heart too! Mostly because we just had a financial guy (Matt Bell) come speak at church, but even before that... Ben and I have been wrestling with how to live sacrificially, give to the poor, etc. Thanks for your thoughts and sharing! It seems that God has been using national and global events and circumstances to stir people's hearts in such a way. What's that Guy up to????

  2. Amen, Erin. This is a tough and worthy task, for all of us.
